Текст песни George Harrison - Awaiting On You All

  • Исполнитель: George Harrison
  • Название песни: Awaiting On You All
  • Дата добавления: 29.04.2020 | 20:58:03
  • Просмотров: 166
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Текст песни

Вам не нужна самовлюбленность,
Не нужен вам горшок ночной*,
Не нужен гороскоп иль микроскоп,
Чтоб увидеть – у тебя внутри г…**.
Если б душу приоткрыл ты,
То узнал тогда к чему клоню –
Нас слишком долго развращали,
Но теперь наш путь в чистоту.

С песнопением Господним мы станем лучше и свободны.
Господь ждет от нас, чтоб пробудились и прозрели мы.
С песнопением Господним мы станем лучше и свободны.
Господь ждет от нас, чтоб пробудились и прозрели мы.

Вам не нужен паспорт,
Визы вам не нужно,
Назначений (новых), перемещений,
Чтоб узреть Иисуса.
Если б душу приоткрыл ты,
То узрел – Он прав
Был всегда, и будет,
И поможет нам.

С песнопением Господним мы станем лучше и свободны.
Господь ждет от нас, чтоб пробудились и прозрели мы.
С песнопением Господним мы станем лучше и свободны.
Господь ждет от нас, чтоб пробудились и прозрели мы.

Не нужна вам церковь,
Не нужны вам храмы,
Молитвенные четки, книжных истин четкость,
Чтоб узреть, как (мы) пали.
Если б душу приоткрыл ты
То узнал, к чему клоню –
Мысль надолго поселили в нас,
Что вечно нас … (трахают)***.

А пока римский папа имеет
пятьдесят один процент акций «Дженерал Моторс»
И от ЛФБ****, единственное, что его интересует –
какой на нас спрос.
Господь ждет от нас, чтоб пробудились и прозрели мы.
С песнопением Господним мы станем лучше и свободны.

Примечания автора перевода:
* Bed pan – больничное (ночное) судно, «утка»;
** The mess - грязь, кутерьма, экскременты;
*** That we're all green – что всех нас надувают (обманывают, делают дураками, «трахают» в более сильном варианте);
**** The Stock Exchange – Лондонская фондовая биржа (ЛФБ).

Последний куплет в музыкальный размер уконтропупить не удалось, но думаю, что это и не нужно.

19 февраля 2009 г.

George Harrison

You don't need no love in
You don't need no bed pan*
You don't need a horoscope or a microscope
The see the mess** that you're in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been polluted so long
Now here's a way for you to get clean

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no passport
And you don't need no visas
You don't need to designate or to emigrate
Before you can see jesus
If you open up your heart
You'll see he's right there
Always was and will be
He'll relieve you of your cares

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no church house
And you don't need no temple
You don't need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been kept down so long
Someone's thinking that we're all green***

And while the pope owns 51% of general motors
And the stock exchange**** is the only thing
he's qualified to quote us
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free

С альбома George Harrison «All Things Must Pass» (1970)

Перевод песни

You don't need narcissism
You don’t need a night pot *,
I don’t need a horoscope or a microscope,
To see - you have inside g ... **.
If you opened your soul
Then I found out what I was driving to -
We've been corrupted for too long
But now our path is clean.

With the chant of the Lord we will become better and free.
The Lord expects us to awaken and see clearly.
With the chant of the Lord we will become better and free.
The Lord expects us to awaken and see clearly.

You do not need a passport,
You do not need a visa
Destinations (new), relocations,
To see Jesus.
If you opened your soul
Then he saw - He is right
There has always been, and will be,
And help us.

With the chant of the Lord we will become better and free.
The Lord expects us to awaken and see clearly.
With the chant of the Lord we will become better and free.
The Lord expects us to awaken and see clearly.

You don't need a church
You don't need temples
Prayer beads, book truths clarity,
To see how (we) fell.
If you opened your soul
He found out what I’m driving to -
Thought settled in us for a long time,
That forever us ... (fuck) ***.

In the meantime, the pope has
fifty-one percent of General Motors
And from the LSE ****, the only thing that interests him is
what is the demand for us.
The Lord expects us to awaken and see clearly.
With the chant of the Lord we will become better and free.

Notes by the author of the translation:
* Bed pan - hospital (night) vessel, "duck";
** The mess - dirt, commotion, excrement;
*** That we're all green - that they all cheat us (they deceive us, make us fools, “fuck” in a stronger version);
**** The Stock Exchange - London Stock Exchange (LSE).

The last couplet in musical size could not be controlled, but I think that this is not necessary.

February 19, 2009
=================================================== ==

George harrison

You don't need no love in
You don't need no bed pan *
You don't need a horoscope or a microscope
The see the mess ** that you're in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been polluted so long
Now here's a way for you to get clean

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no passport
And you don't need no visas
You don't need to designate or to emigrate
Before you can see jesus
If you open up your heart
You'll see he's right there
Always was and will be
He'll relieve you of your cares

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no church house
And you don't need no temple
You don't need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been kept down so long
Someone's thinking that we're all green ***

And while the pope owns 51% of general motors
And the stock exchange **** is the only thing
he's qualified to quote us
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free

From George Harrison's “All Things Must Pass” (1970)

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